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Cadet Program
Are you a 16 -19 year old interested in learning about a career in public safety?

The CFPD Cadet Program is for in-district students, from 16 to 19 years of age, who are interested in exploring the emergency fire or medic service fields as a career. As a member of the CFPD Cadet Program, you will gain an understanding of the field of firefighting as a whole, and experience a taste of the day-to- day life of a firefighter/paramedic. Cadets are allowed to train with firefighters, and ride along, where appropriate, as an observer on incident calls. Upon successful completion of the Cadet Program, Fire Cadets may be considered for the Firefighter -In -Training (FIT) Program, which may enable the individual to attend and complete firefighter courses. Cadets meet once in the first week of each month, and can attend all regular department training and events.
This is an ongoing program, and application to the program can be made throughout the year. There are a maximum of 10 cadets allowed in the program at any given time, and therefore, an application must be completed for the position.
All applicants under the age of 18 will require written permission from a parent or legal guardian to participate in the program. There is no compensation associated with the Cadet program.
For more information, please contact or visit our business office at Station 1:
Phone: 847-639-2121
The business office is open Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm.
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